The word “elf” comes from Proto-Germanic albiz which means “fairy/elf.” In medieval times, the term evolved into “alfr” and soon became a synonym to something otherworldly and mystical. At some point, some Germanic chiefs and even kings took names with a prefix “alf.” For example, Aelfric means “powerful like elf” or “with powers coming from an elf.” This name belonged to Archbishop of York in 11th century as well as several bishops of Elmham.
Originally, people believed that elves were small demonic creatures that caused illness. In fact, there was a belief that elves were using magical bows to shoot invisible arrows that caused several types of diseases that medieval healers could not explain. By fantasy mythology of that time they were described as tiny, sometimes winged, creatures with magical abilities
The modern image of elves is heavily inspired by English and Swedish folklore. Fantasy mythology adopted the idea of beautiful, human-like creatures that lived in forests and protected nature from evil. In England, people believed that elves were female demons wandering in hilly regions. They picked up this belief from Nordic fantasy mythology.
In 18th century, the image of elves changed once again. The European culture started homogenizing creating legends and tales based on bits from different mythologies. Elves turned into human-like demons. At the same time, some deviations also occurred. For example, Nordic legends of that time describe them as little flying creatures that looked more like insects.
Elves are so popular that some of them are featured in the gambling culture. If you register in any online casino, you will be able to find games with elves. You can try them for free if you manage to get a nice casino bonus!